Incubated at
Storycircle Edusaarthi

Our Vision
Mission EduSaarthi is envisioned as a platform to empower women to become self-reliant by upskilling and handholding them to build a long-term career in the education sector.
EDU- SAARTHI is a social-impact initiative, to enable women across India to turn education-based entrepreneurs. It is envisioned as a platform to empower women to become self-reliant by upskilling and handholding them to build a long-term career in the education sector. Edu-Saarthi is an Affordable, Low- Cost- Low Risk – Business opportunity in the Creative Education Field.
How do you really benefit from Edu Saarthi Platform?
- Our team of experts shall train you on the Skills of Storytelling and Creative teaching tools with an Intensive 30 hours of training
- Provide you our age appropriate, well-researched and integrated learning curriculum (for age group- 4-12 yrs) on a continuous basis.
- Support you through complete handholding, grooming, mentoring and skill building opportunities.
- Provide you with dedicated Marketing & Business support to reach out to potential students in your town/ city.
- Make you ‘Ready to Teach and Earn from home’ as an Edu Saarthi – a SC Education Partner- and launch your career in education.
- We therefore offer Hands-On Training & Skill building + Mentorship + Intensive Marketing support and so much more, to each selected participant. If you are a woman with passion for teaching, but may lack either the skills, opportunity, support or resources to start on your own, look no further!
- Passionate about Education & Children.
- Committed towards her own financial independence, learning & growth.
- Looking for flexible yet creative & respectable work opportunity.
- Want to build an alternative or new career in the creative education field.
- Comfortable with / Open to learning & teaching online & offline.
- A Fresher / homemaker or has an experience as a Pre- primary or primary Teacher / Educator or a Homeschool Parent.
Age – 25-45 Years